Monday, December 19, 2011

C'est Magnifique

Bil gave me the most AMAZING birthday present a girl could ever dream of, a trip to Paris with one of my best friends, Karen! He is officially the best husband! It has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl and he made it come true. He did this water color and gave it to me enclosed in the book This is Paris. Finn couldn't wait to give me the present and seems to think that he will be going with me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Merry Christmas!

I love the holiday season, even more so because my birthday is just 6 days before Christmas. I have to say that I do get the shaft most birthdays, but it's easy to forget with all of the holiday excitement. This year feels different from any other. I am celebrating a huge milestone, turning 40. I've been preparing myself for the past year, so I am ready to say that I'm officially old. Although, I don't feel old and that is the good news. I started running for the first time in May and completed 3 5Ks and a half marathon in 6 months. It was my goal to run a 5K before I turned 40 and I'm so proud that I could accomplish that and more. Finn keeps saying that I need to decide what I want for my birthday. He says it is a tricky one and suggested a doll house. It's a very sweet suggestion, but I can think of many other things I would like. I have no idea what Bil has planned, so this should be interesting.