Sunday, August 26, 2012


First Day of Kindergarten
It seems that I have taken a little vacation from blogging. I have lots of catching up to do and I owe a post on our favorite apps for the iPad. I promise to post all of that in the next few days! I've spent the past few months contemplating whether or not to continue writing this blog. I realized that this space has been my sounding board. This is the way I make sense of what is going on around me. I also want to be able to help others who are going through something similar. So here I go!

 There has been a lot of change in the works. Finn started Kindergarten a few days ago. This is a big transition for any child, but for a child with ASD it can be extremely difficult. I planned for every possible circumstance! I made a list of "Finn Facts" for the teacher with the help of an amazing woman, Marilee Emerson. I listed his likes and dislikes and basically any information the teacher could make use of. This was Marilee's brilliant idea, of which I have also used for babysitters. During meet the teacher night I had my own little photo shoot in the classroom. I took pictures of Finn's cubby, the rug for circle time, his seat, his teacher, the front of the building and put it all together in a book called "Finn's First Day of Kindergarten." We started reading it a few days before school started, so that he knew exactly what to expect. I couldn't have been more prepared, so I thought.

 A week before school started we had Finn's appointment with the Developmental Pediatrician. She gave him an IQ test to further investigate the possibility of Aspergers. He scored very high, but he would have done even better had he been able to sit still for more than a few seconds. And so there is this little thing called ADHD. I thought we could get away with not talking about it for at least another year. I knew it was coming... MEDICATION! There is no way around it, unless we keep Finn home and hire a private tutor for the rest of his school career. This was a big blow to say the least. I am an extreme type A and this was not part of my plan for the transition into Kindergarten. We filled the script and started over the weekend. He was tired and a little grumpy in the afternoon for the first week. Then I started noticing changes that were absolutely amazing. He was thoughtful and focused instead of the usual impulsive behavior. I could have a conversation with him and stay on subject for more than a second. He has gone to school all week and we haven't had one problem. My sweet little boy is growing up right before my eyes! Once again I have learned that flexibility is at the top of the list when it comes to parenting a child with Autism. I need to remind myself of this more often! As parents we can plan and prepare all we want, but if we can't adapt quickly then we are no help to our children or ourselves.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Product Guide

Finn has been in Occupational Therapy for almost 2 years now. It has helped tremendously! Along the way we've tried an insane number of products, as I will buy anything to make things easier on him. I've decided to narrow the list down to what we've found works best.

Ferby Beginners Triangular Pencils are easy for a child to grasp and the lead is very soft, eliminating the need to use pressure.

Pen and Pencil Grips like these are great for adding extra comfort for little fingers during those repetitive practice sessions. It also stops the pencil from slipping.

Spring Scissors saved our child from never learning how to use scissors. He absolutely refused, until I bought these. I was convinced that he would somehow graduate from high school or even worse college, without being able to cut a piece of paper. The spring gives the scissors pressure for assistance in cutting. He cuts like a pro now!

Raised Line Paper has been a big help. The child can feel the line as they write.

Last but definitely not least is the iPad. This has made the biggest change in our lives. We have found a ton of inexpensive and free educational apps that Finn loves. Our latest purchase was a Wacom Stylus, which he uses to practice writing his letters. I highly recommend a durable case! We have many friends whose children have shattered their iPads. The Gumdrop has saved our iPad from complete destruction. I was totally against it at first because it isn't the lightest case. Let's just say that it has proven itself on a number of occasions. Check back next week for a list of Apps that I recommend!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Boss

Last weekend while Bil was in San Francisco, I decided that Finn and I would spend the day in our pajamas. Finn had his own plan in mind, which consisted of me sitting at the sewing machine while he art directed. He had complete creative control. We worked into the evening without a break. Finn wanted me to keep working, but I had to put my foot down. He ended up with a little stuffed friend and a super hero cape. In the meantime my curtains are still not hemmed, but at least Finn will be able to fight crime in style.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Year Ahead

There is something about 2012 that feels like more of a new beginning compared to years past. It could be because I turned 40 and I'm going to Paris! The weather in Florida has been perfect, 72 degrees with no rain. Finn and I have been driving around with the windows down, listening to French music. He prefers the Amelie soundtrack. We started Rosetta Stone last week. I say "we" because Finn repeats everything I say these days. He has been walking around saying garcon and will probably speak fluent French by the time I leave for my trip. Of course I will only know how to order wine, bread and cheese. Priorities!

Finn will also be turning 5 this year. He is growing like a weed and is so mature (and huge) for his age. I can't wait to see where the next year will take us!