I spent much of my early twenties crushing on boys in bands. By the time I hit my late twenties I convinced myself that I had grown up and wanted a more mature relationship, "No more late nights watching bands in bars or spending endless nights by myself while my significant other had practice or recording sessions". I was on my way to a quiet, comfortable lifestyle. You can imagine my surprise after 48 hours of meeting and immediately falling in love with Bil; he told me that he was a drummer in a band. It was too late! I had to eat my words and spend countless nights sitting in dive bars in Manhattan and Brooklyn. They were the best nights of my life and I met some of my closest friends during those years.
We moved to Orlando and the drums never made it out of the closet. Five years later, Bil thought our son Finn might enjoy playing. Finn loves music, he has an incredible memory, he is very precise and has amazing pitch. It is important to give him a constructive way to use these strengths, as Finn was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He loves the drums! I think he's actually pretty good for a soon to be 4 year old kid. It's funny how life comes full circle. I wouldn't change anything about falling in love with that drummer in a Brooklyn hipster bar, because now I'm in love with two drummers.
I can't tell you how happy I am you fell inlove with that CRAZY drummer in New York! Bil is the best thing to come along in your life...and then my beautiful little nephew, Finn. Both such amazing blessings, not only to you, but our whole family! Love you guys so much!