Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween

Trick or Treat? Finn prefers trick or better yet a toy. Four Halloween parties this year and trick or treating. All of this candy that Finn will not eat! Who do you think eats it? Me of course! I do have my favorites, the chocolate is the first to go. Finn also likes to tell everyone that he doesn't like candy and that his mommy will eat it. He also tried to give some of the candy back at one house in the neighborhood. I wonder what they were giving away? We made it to 5 houses and Finn told me that he was ready to go home. When he woke up the next morning, he asked if Rudolph would be coming to our house. I guess it's time to get the Christmas decorations out.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds EXACTLY like Sebastian! He didn't care too much to trick or treat, doesn't eat candy and immediately wanted all the Halloween decor swapped for Turkeys. He is mad at target bc they have the Christmas stuff out and "it's not Christmas yet, Mami - we have to decorate with turkeys first". Crazy boys!!! =)
