Saturday, October 22, 2011


Bedtime is very methodical at our house. Sometimes I wonder if my "Baby Wise" scheduling methods created a monster. Finn goes to bed without any arguments, goes right to sleep and sleeps through the night. He has always been like this, which amazes our friends when they witness the routine. The problem arises each night when we spend 15 minutes putting every stuffed creature in a particular order on the bed or the dresser, some covered with blankets, a few of them need squishy toys to hold to and aliens go on the dresser lined up nicely. This method is to be taken seriously. Finn is not messing around and it needs to be perfect before he can fall asleep. Luckily for him, I also have OCD and totally understand the method to his madness. Sometimes it is a little ridiculous, especially when Yoda requests a specific squishy toy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Endless Summer

The weather in Florida is finally cooling down, mid 80's. We can actually go to the park and enjoy being outside. After spending the last couple of months hiding inside from the heat, Finn can't get enough of being outside. This is why I love FL, we will be outdoors through the winter and into spring.